THIStm Dog Two Character Dog Two has a Lightning Bolt-like body whose Legs prattle (and some how like a spring??) as he runs
THIStm Dog_Two Character Dog Two is not as spontaneous as Dog One, cute and bouncy, cutesy-putesy like a LESS ambitious dog running (He Follows AND Does What Dog One Does) A
THIStm Dog Two Character Always "Tinkers" vibraphone Two high 1/8th notes tink tink tink tip toe-ing around like he's prancing about >
*Three-legs represent our phTwo number (213) 3-4-2 THIS or (213) 342-8447 -I like to remind folks of the Three-For-The-Price-Of-Two aspect, and therefore refer to THIS™ is a Gift, It Comes In A Box With A Card!
(SVG) |